Welcome To My Links Page

These links are not only for webtv but for my puter friends as well. Bare with me as i will be working on this from time to time, adding more great links as i go along. Enjoy your visit and please stop by my homepage to sign my guestbook. I would love to see your comments on the work i`ve done not only for me, but for you. Thank you for stopping by, please e-mail me with any great sites you happen to visit on this wonderful world wide web. : - ) Doc




Fredericks of Hollywood

Mamma.com ~ Mother of all Search Engines

CIA World Fact Book 2000

Internet Public Library

My Virtual Reference Desk


The Internet Advisor`s Web ~ For Webtv

Gif Wizard Site Scan Survey

What you can do on the Net

123 Greetings: Send a Card

The Zones Homepage: The radio station in my City

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